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The competitive program is for kids that like to rip it up all weekend (Saturday and Sunday), all winter long!


 While both non-competitive and competitive programs are broken down by the same age categories, you will often hear our competitive programs referred to as the U- programs: U10, U12, U14, U16, and U18. The competitive programs offer more time on snow, greater emphasis on race-specific training, and several inter-club competitions throughout the season.

Our competitive programs are flexible and can accommodate athletes across various levels of commitment to the sport. In addition to our core 14 to 15 week racing modules, racers can choose to participate in a variety of optional enhanced training programs: the conditioning camp in the sping/summer, pre-season off-snow training in the fall, pre-season camp in the late fall and extra training and specialty camps during the skiing season. In U10 and U12, we strongly recommend using several of the enhanced training opportunities for those committed to alpine skiing as their main sport. In U14 and beyond we strongly recommend the complete training package.  

Official Club Jacket Policy

AOA Race Event Guidelines 2022-2023

AOA OCUP schedule draft- This is a draft and is subject to change at any time

Alpine Canada Fitness protocols learn more here

Alpine Canada Fitness protocols learn more here (PDF)

See enhanced training for a full list of options: